Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide

Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide


Over the past few decades, computers have entered almost all aspects of day - to - day modern life. They have overtaken traditional methods of working. The benefits come with added problems, though. Since a large amount of information is stored digitally, hackers with the right knowledge can access it easily. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide is a step - by - step guide that empowers you on how to prevent threats associated with hacking. Readers will acquire knowledge on how to interpret hacking tools and will learn to perform penetration tests.

A wide range of tools are covered by Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide such as Hacker Defender Rootkit, Netcat, Fast Track Autopwn, Metasploit, Nessus, Nmap, Google Reconnaissance and Backtrack Linux. The explanations given in this book are simple and easy to understand. Readers will come across a four - step methodology of offensive security. This book can prepare them to take advanced courses in ethical hacking and can give them a thorough understanding on how to prevent hacking and secure their data. The book takes readers through each step in a structured manner, enabling them to utilize each tool in the various phases of penetration testing. The book provides an understanding of how each tool and various phases are connected to each other. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide is written by Rafay Baloch and was published in paperback format by Auerbach Publications in 2014.

About the Author

Rafay Baloch is the founder and owner of RHA Infosec. He has been consulted by many big corporations such as Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook and Google. He has found various high - risk bugs and vulnerabilities in PayPal, like the remote code execution vulnerability.

Pages: 531 pages

Publisher: ‎Auerbach Publications

Author: Rafay Baloch

Language: English

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