SMM AUTO BOT v1 - Full Guide
This will help that when you upload any post in your channel, it will automatically place order of your new post on the smmpanel.
Any SmmPanel Api Key v2
Vps (Only needed if you want to keep the bot running all the time)
Installing Requirements:
To install Python on Linux, follow these simple steps:
1. Open a terminal on your Linux system.
2. Update the package list to ensure you have the latest information about available packages:
sudo apt update
3. Install Python by entering the following command:
sudo apt install python3
4. Verify the installation by checking the Python version:
python3 --version
Now you have Python installed on your Linux system.
Bot Pip Requirements
pip install requests telethon
Setup Bot
Bot Token - Create a Bot Token from @BotFather
Api key & Api URL - Get an API key from SMM Panel (use any smm panel to get) & get api url v2 from that smm panel.
Service ID - service id of service.
Setup Procedure
Edit Config.ini
Put service id in ServiceID
Put Panel API Key in panelapikey
Put BotToken in bottoken
Put SMM API URL v2 in smmapiurl
Edit and enter your user id (you can get it from @userinfobot) in authorized_users.
Note: Users authorized in the authorized_users list can add and remove channels. The bot also responds to the /start command with a welcome message.
Start Bot
Start Bot using command
Now open your bot and type /start
Bot Commands
Here is all commands for Bot:
1. Add Channel:
Command: /addchannel <channel_username> <quantity>
Description: Adds a channel with a specified username and quantity.
2. Remove Channel:
Command: /removechannel <channel_username>
Description: Removes a channel and its associated quantity.
3. Start (Welcome Message):
Command: /start
Description: Displays a welcome message.
or Click on Below Download Button
Any Questions?
If you have any specific questions or requests regarding these commands, feel free to let me know!