Comprehensive Guide to SiteDorks: An Essential Tool for Ethical Hackers

SiteDorks: An Essential Tool for Ethical Hackers



SiteDorks is an invaluable OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) tool designed for ethical hackers. Developed by Zarcolio, it allows users to perform advanced search queries across multiple search engines, leveraging predefined lists of "dorkable" websites to find valuable information efficiently.

Key Features

Multiple Search Engines: SiteDorks supports various search engines including Google, Bing, Brave, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, and Yandex, offering a wide reach for information gathering.

Predefined Categories: The tool includes predefined categories such as analysis, cloud, communication, development, and social media. This categorization covers over 576 websites, making searches more organized and targeted.

Ease of Use: SiteDorks is designed for simplicity and effectiveness. Users can easily customize queries via input files, making the tool adaptable to various needs.

Regular Updates: The list of dorkable websites is regularly updated, ensuring that users have access to the latest information.

Bug Bounty Integration: For ethical hackers involved in bug bounty programs, SiteDorks integrates with bug bounty platforms, facilitating efficient vulnerability searches.

Why Use SiteDorks?

Efficiency: SiteDorks automates the search process across various engines and categories, significantly saving time for users. It performs complex queries and splits them to avoid search engine limitations.

Customizability: Users can create and modify input files to suit specific requirements, making the tool highly adaptable.

Advanced Query Management: The tool handles complex queries with ease, splitting them when necessary to avoid hitting search engine query limits.

Installation and Usage

SiteDorks can be installed on a Kali Linux setup using Python 3 without requiring additional packages. The installation process is straightforward:

git clone

cd sitedorks


Basic Commands

To search using Google for "":

sitedorks -query '""'

To search with specific categories and parameters:

sitedorks -cat comm -site off -engine yandex -query uber

Examples of SiteDorks:

Basic Google Search

To search for vulnerabilities or specific information on a site like "," you might use:

sitedorks -query '""'

Targeted Search by Category

For a more refined search within the communication category using Yandex, you could use:

sitedorks -cat comm -site off -engine yandex -query uber

Advanced Query Example

If you're interested in cloud services vulnerabilities, you might use:

sitedorks -cat cloud -engine google -query '"confidential data"'


Custom Input File

Create a custom input file for a specific set of dorks and run:

sitedorks -input customdorks.txt -engine bing -query '"payment gateway"'

Additional Tips

1. Combining Queries: You can combine multiple search parameters for more specific results.

2. Regular Expressions: Utilize regex for more advanced search patterns.

3. Multi-threading: Use multi-threading options to speed up the search process.

By leveraging these examples, ethical hackers can enhance their searches, uncover potential vulnerabilities, and gather valuable information efficiently.

Advanced Features

Customization: Users can customize their searches by editing the `dorksinput.txt` file. This allows for tailored searches based on specific criteria, enhancing the tool's flexibility.

Multi-threading: SiteDorks supports multi-threading, which speeds up the search process by running multiple queries simultaneously.

Output Options: The tool provides various output options, including saving results to files for later analysis, making it easy to manage and review large volumes of data.

Regular Expressions: Advanced users can leverage regular expressions within their queries to refine search results further, increasing the precision of information gathered.


SiteDorks is a powerful tool for ethical hackers, streamlining the process of information gathering through advanced search queries. Its ease of use, regular updates, and integration with various search engines and bug bounty platforms make it an essential addition to any hacker’s toolkit.

By leveraging SiteDorks, ethical hackers can enhance their OSINT capabilities, ensuring they stay ahead in the constantly evolving landscape of cybersecurity. For more detailed information and advanced usage, visit the official SiteDorks Github Page .

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