Unlimited Chat and Image Generation on Your Computer with Underground AI

Introduction to Underground AI

In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, commercial tools like ChatGPT, Copilot, and DALL-E have set the benchmark for innovation and usability. However, these tools come with limitations, primarily due to costs and restricted access. Open-source alternatives such as Meta's Llama 2 and Stable Diffusion have emerged as powerful solutions, offering unrestricted use and flexibility. This comprehensive guide aims to provide detailed insights into leveraging these open-source models for unlimited chat and image generation on your computer, enhancing your creative and development projects.

Exploring Open-Source AI Models

Open-source AI models provide a significant advantage over commercial counterparts by removing usage constraints and reducing costs. These models are particularly valuable for developers, researchers, and creative professionals who require extensive use without incurring high expenses. The following sections will delve into the setup and use of these models, focusing on tools like Ollama and Stable Diffusion.

Image Credit: Medium @JankamMerath

Setting Up Ollama

Ollama is a versatile environment that supports various open-source AI models, allowing you to run them locally on your machine. Here's a detailed tutorial on installing and using Ollama on macOS:

Installation Steps

1. Install Homebrew: Ensure Homebrew is installed on your macOS. Homebrew is a package manager that simplifies the installation of software on macOS.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

2. Install Ollama: Use Homebrew to install Ollama.

brew install ollama

3. Install Ollamac: For a graphical user interface (GUI) on macOS, install Ollamac, which provides a cleaner user experience.

brew install --cask ollamac

4. Run Ollama: Start the Ollama instance via the terminal.

ollama serve

5. Connect to Ollamac: Once Ollama is running, you can connect it to Ollamac or use it directly from the terminal.

ollama run dolphin-mistral

Usage Tips

Memory Requirements: Ensure your system has at least 16 GB of RAM for optimal performance.

Model Variants: Experiment with different model variants such as dolphin-mistral for diverse applications.

Image Generation with Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a cutting-edge open-source image generator that offers a wide range of capabilities for image creation and manipulation. DiffusionBee is an excellent application for macOS users, providing a user-friendly interface for utilizing Stable Diffusion's features.

Image Credit: Medium @JankamMerath

Installation and Setup

1. Download DiffusionBee: Visit the DiffusionBee GitHub page and download the latest release suitable for your macOS version.

2. Install the Application: Follow the installation instructions to set up DiffusionBee on your system.

3. Run DiffusionBee: Launch the application and begin exploring its features.

Key Features

Text-to-Image Generation: Create unique images from textual descriptions. This feature allows you to visualize concepts and ideas quickly.

Image-to-Image Generation: Transform existing images based on new prompts. This is useful for enhancing or altering images creatively.

Inpainting: Edit specific parts of an image with precision. This feature is ideal for correcting or improving sections of an image without affecting the entire picture.

Image Upscaling: Improve the resolution and quality of old or low-resolution images. This is particularly useful for restoring and enhancing archival images.

Advanced Features and Model Recommendations

DiffusionBee supports several advanced features and models that cater to different use cases:

Juggernaut XL: Ideal for creating highly detailed and complex images.

SD 1.5 Inpainting: Best suited for precision editing and inpainting tasks.

RealVis XL: Recommended for realistic image generation and manipulation.

Tips for Effective Image Generation

Experiment with Prompts: Use varied and descriptive prompts to explore different creative possibilities.

Combine Features: Leverage multiple features such as text-to-image and inpainting to create more sophisticated and nuanced images.

Utilize Community Models: Explore models created by the community for specialized tasks and enhanced performance.


Open-source AI models like Llama 2 and Stable Diffusion offer unparalleled freedom and cost-efficiency compared to commercial tools. These models provide greater control over creative and development projects, making them invaluable resources for independent developers and creative professionals. By following the detailed tutorials and leveraging the advanced features of tools like Ollama and DiffusionBee, you can unlock the full potential of AI-driven chat and image generation on your computer.

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